- Nightly Backups - Automated Updates - Web Application Firewall - Daily Malware Scanning - Object Cache and CDN
115GB Available. 10GB Reserved for the System as every site hosted with us gets its own dedicated droplet to maximise performance.
2This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
Dedicated WordPress - Silver
Enough for a complex and well-used e‑commerce site.
- Nightly Backups - Automated Updates - Web Application Firewall - Daily Malware Scanning - Object Cache and CDN
115GB Available. 10GB Reserved for the System as every site hosted with us gets its own dedicated droplet to maximise performance.
2This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
Dedicated WordPress - Gold
Manage a busy WP Multisite install with dozens of sites.
- Nightly Backups - Automated Updates - Web Application Firewall - Daily Malware Scanning - Object Cache and CDN
150GB Available. 10GB Reserved for the System as every site hosted with us gets its own dedicated droplet to maximise performance.
2This is an estimate based on typical site usage and the plan's server specs. It's very possible to exceed it and we won't charge any overage fees for doing so.
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